Many celebrities have attended movie premiers, fundraisers, and screenings at the Senator.
Marla's own ambitions drove her to pursue a career in politics and Daniels attended political fundraisers with his wife.
After her primary win, Schmidt flew to Washington, D.C., to attend fundraisers and have a campaign commercial shot featuring her with George W. Bush.
She helped recruit volunteers, attended fundraisers, posed for photos and showed them her medal.
Becoming informed about the sorority by attending Greek events, community services, and fundraisers.
Contributors help in many ways to the shelter, including providing items the cats need, donating money, or attending fundraisers.
He wrote personal checks to attend fundraisers and was reimbursed by Simon Fraser University for the expenses.
Childress remains active in his current county of residence, attending fundraisers and supporting local candidates for office.
He remained very social with his fellow Medal of Honor recipients attending dinners and fundraisers.
He made speeches on her behalf and attended fundraisers for the campaign.