For the first time in his life, he stopped attending Mass.
As a young boy he walked two miles to school every morning and attended daily Mass.
Once or twice a month (not always together) they attended mass at the small church in town.
They were attending mass at the time the earthquake started.
There are many options for students who wish to attend Mass more often.
A few years before its closure, up to 600 people were attending mass there every Sunday.
He was fit enough to attend Mass the next day.
All students are enrolled in a religious lecture course and attend mass during school once every week.
Also, they are encouraged but not required to attend religious mass on Sundays.
After all, young people are still part of the Church even if they do not attend Mass.
Their mother attended Mass daily and wove the church seamlessly into the lives of her five children.
Almost every day, the image leaves to attend Mass and to visit families, the sick and hospitals.
Jones lived with a Catholic family and attended Mass to prepare for the role.
He didn't attend Mass or take the sacraments or pray.
I was not permitted to attend Mass until the third day, just before the abbot called me to his solar.
Students also must attend Mass once or twice a month, and are required to attend retreats.
She spent her days praying, attending Mass and corresponding with supporters.
As a Christian, she had to attend Mass secretly.
We'd be like a Catholic forever unable to attend Mass or take communion.
During lunch hours, he began attending Mass to help him figure out what.