The poem was written in 1787 while Coleridge attended Christ's Hospital, London.
He left the Royal Air Force in 1947 to attend St Bartholomew's Hospital as a medical student.
After the death of his father in 1781, Coleridge attended Christ's Hospital, a boarding school in London.
He attended St Mary's Hospital, London, under a scholarship in which he instructed fellow students in physical education.
He also attended St Bartholomew's Hospital alongside medical students to watch operations.
Coleridge attended Christ's Hospital for his pre-college education and completed many poetic exercises during his time there.
He attended Christ's Hospital, but told that he was not university material, enrolled at Sandhurst, the military academy, in 1936.
Pugin learned drawing from his father, and for a while attended Christ's Hospital.
He attended Christ's Hospital and Jesus College.
It is one of his earliest known poems and was written for a school assignment while Coleridge attended Christ's Hospital.