I attended Mayor Michael Bloomberg's State of The City Address today at Morris HS.
Last year, Mr. Paterson flew to Albany from Westchester on a developer's jet while ill with pneumonia so he could attend the governor's State of the State address.
He attended Boy's State while in school and ran a successful campaign for governor at the event.
Woolsey gave war protestor Cindy Sheehan a guest pass to attend Bush's 2006 State of the Union speech.
A political activist, Van Os attended his first Democratic State Convention in 1972 and attended every one through 2006.
During his return to work, Dr. Johnstone attended Gov. Mario M. Cuomo's State of the State message and was present at the Jan. 27 trustees meeting.
She attended President Obama's 2012 State of the Union address on January 24, and formally submitted her resignation on January 25.
On February 12, 2013, Lauderdale attended Barack Obama's State of the Union address at the United States Capitol.
It began with an invitation from Representative Nancy Pelosi, a longtime family friend who represents the San Francisco region, to attend President Bush's State of the Union address.
In 2006 he was invited to attend the President's State of the Union address as an honored guest.