CES 2009 suffered 22 percent or more attendance drop because of global recession.
At their present rate, the Devil Rays will not win 60 games this season and they will have an attendance drop again.
Some experts, however, worry that museums are over-building, leaving themselves open to deficits if attendance drops.
The Baysox anticipated a small attendance drop initially, but have not worried about the issue in the long term.
The attendance drop and increased demand for property in West Hollywood led to the track's sale in 1950.
CES 2009 suffered 22 percent or more attendance drop, which was attributed to the global financial crisis.
In recent years, the organization has seen annual attendance drop below 200,000 people, from 1.1 million.
If attendance drops, parents must produce a doctors note for every single absence, meetings are held with the family and staff.
They also saw their overall attendance drop to an all-time low of 71,826 (1,670 per game).
Mr. Friedman said he was not overly concerned about the attendance drop.