"Should elected officials benefit from perfect attendance policies?"
At the same time, he has been tough, instituting a strict new attendance policy.
Since most ticket holders were unable to travel to College Park, the athletic department instituted an open attendance policy.
In 2011, the school board revised the attendance policy to permit 10 days of absence without a doctor's note.
Example: As a professor, creating an attendance policy but making exceptions for students who participate in class and have good grades.
Another asked how compensation was set, another about the attendance policy.
According to the attendance policy in this programme, you must attend at least 80% of classes.
The students regarded the new attendance policy as unfair.
A 10-page manual for band members outlines everything from attendance policy to hair length and the color of socks on performance days.
Ms. Virostek then asked other students what their plans were for the weekend and what they thought of the school's new attendance policy.