After some time, her two attendants asked her, "Give us some food.
When Mrs. Dabney did not show up, the attendant, a man, asked a woman to go the restroom and look for her.
Just as a second attendant was asking me what I wanted to drink, the voice of the first stewardess echoed through the cabin again.
"I would be an airplane with him and the attendant would walk up and ask to seat him in the first-class section."
As she was selecting a scrub suit, an attendant came over and asked, "Can I help you?"
An attendant in a control room asks whom they wish to see.
At some point during your meal, the attendant will ask you if you wish something to drink.
The attendant had already asked him to go to the front of the car, where the cafe was, several times.
The attendants all asked, "How are you today, sir?"
The attendants would see it, though, and patch into him, ask what was going on ... unless they weren't around.