Thus ends the consideration of gain, loss, attendant gains, attendant losses, and doubts.
"The action taken by the board has resulted in a complete and permanent shutdown and the attendant loss of hundreds of jobs," he added.
In many states a dishonorable discharge is deemed the equivalent of a felony conviction, with attendant loss of civil rights.
But others fear that the new vessels may create a glut with attendant losses.
The first and third circlets have been lost, with attendant loss of abilities by the subjects of Halidom.
The probability is that even with a program 80 percent as efficient as the present one, severe regression would occur, with attendant loss of life and wealth.
He is just as upset at the attendant loss of face, which seems almost as awful as the crimes that might be committed with his firearm.
Otherwise, a long, tortuous synthesis involving many steps with attendant losses in yield may be required.
There would have been no Mortain counter-attack and no Falaise pocket, with their attendant losses.
I still cannot fully accept that those buildings actually collapsed and the attendant loss of some 3,000 lives.