Although he had previously heard his friends praise the novel, he first read it when an attendant on a train offered him a selection of books as reading material.
When attendants routinely wiped windshields and offered to check oil levels, gas stations all had free air pumps.
When the charming attendant approached me and offered it, I thought for a moment that this last room might be her personal garage sale.
In the chilly washroom, the elderly attendant offered me a body scrub, and I lay shivering on a plastic tablecloth while she soaped and pummelled, and sluiced me with a hose.
The attendant not only said that she could but offered to turn the speaker off entirely.
A smiling attendant offered another glass of champia, which Venport declined.
The attendants offered both men long hooded robes.
A friendly attendant offered the information that three of them were female and one was male, which is also about the ratio of women to men at the inn.
The medical attendants--some Houseborn, some Wanderers--recognized Keren and offered her respectful greetings.
The red attendant behind a counter offers me a glowing tag.