Such a trial, with its attendant publicity, is not something that Saks executives would welcome.
Many prosecutors have used their law enforcement careers, and the attendant publicity, as a ticket to higher office.
After all, this incident and the attendant publicity could help make "Big Brother 2" a water-cooler hit.
Millions of Americans know about those two youngsters because of the attendant publicity.
After the attendant publicity surrounding the above events, had the men not run when the cops began to stare at them, it would have been unusual.
The attendant publicity may have strengthened the notion that these clandestine institutions are hugely important.
There are other factors: the nature of his dances' appeal and the connections, with attendant publicity, that have helped him along.
The attendant publicity helped to boost Fleming's writing career.
Over the next two years the accusations and the attendant publicity took a heavy toll on her reputation.
Forcing a choice upon the Institute, with the attendant publicity, solves all your problems.