Never before had he wished authority and its attendant responsibilities.
HER husband, her son, the house and all its attendant responsibilities, volunteer work, these were the sturdy spheres of Janice Wells's life.
For Ovid, Venus's acceptance of the epithet and its attendant responsibilities represented a change of heart in the goddess herself.
However, the rank of corporal was severely downgraded after Unification, along with the attendant responsibilities.
However unintended the pregnancy was, if a girl decides to keep the baby for whatever reason, she is becoming a mother with all its attendant responsibilities.
The power - which old Hrruna had rarely invoked - was simply not worth the attendant responsibility.
And now comes health care reform, which would treat employers of baby sitters and other domestic workers as small businesses, with the attendant responsibilities.
And having that ability and its attendant responsibility, I certainly would never use it lightly.
Each bore the broad colored stripings of rank and its attendant responsibility.
For all the fun and frolic I had with Richard, I held a keen and clear awareness of the attendant responsibility.