It is primarily a problem in high-speed trains, where passengers and attendants often walk about while the train is moving.
A med attendant in a yellow tunic, responding to the beeping movement sensor, walked over and reached down out of Firebird's view.
On either side walked gorgeously attired attendants waving metal flags.
Two attendants walked past him as he stood before the elevator.
Surprise: Last month the attendants walked, chaos talked and the parties are back cogitating on how to arrive at mutual satisfaction.
Ferret looked up and saw a Confed factor and three attendants walk past, a lord of all he surveyed.
No attendant walked across the course.
"I would be on an airplane with him and the attendant would walk up and ask to seat him in the first-class section."
The attendant turned and walked towards a bench at the farther end of the room.