Gingerich was eventually led to teach astronomy at Harvard where his lectures became noted for attention-getting devices.
The ads use an attention-getting device - photographs of newborn babies - to explain the advocacy, health and youth-service activities of the center.
It's all just one big blur in a big attention-getting device.
But political analysts called the gunfire an attention-getting device on behalf of the guerrillas.
Introduction: Usually, speeches begin with some sort of attention-getting device, such as a quotation or statistic.
I think it's more of an attention-getting device.
Burning the flag, he said, is an attention-getting device like having a blaring loudspeaker at a demonstration.
Some people go to see bands often enough that we don't think of odd names as anything but attention-getting devices.
As an added attention-getting device, the clown marquee rocked back and forth.