And the male attitudes displayed in the songs went to extremes: from smug machismo to supplication.
All Roman Catholics could feel proud of the actions, words and attitude displayed that evening.
And clearly, the attitude you just displayed, Leo, reading that page shows that these people think differently.
Her companion followed at a leisurely pace, an attitude of arrogance displayed in the very way he walked.
The government's attitude, and its relation to feminists and purists, displayed all the hesitations and ambiguities which had characterized similar debates in the 1880s.
The attitudes displayed have been characterised as resembling racist attitudes to ethnic minorities.
I was disappointed, but not surprised, by the cavalier attitudes displayed by smokers and restaurateurs in your article.
While transmitting the ancient legends and myths he often shows scepticism as to their reliability, an attitude he halso partly displays toward later sources.
I have received your communication of the seventh instant and deeply deplore the mental attitude displayed in it.
Leininger equates that the sexist attitudes displayed towards Miranda are equitable to the undercurrents of racism shown in the treatment of Caliban.