It was not a good look, and Astro's terrible attitude triggered an immediate public backlash, transforming him from the kid to beat to, well, the contestant to hate.
The uptight attitude in London during the 1980s triggered Stuart's departure for Paris.
In 1996 Broggi's entrepreneurial attitude triggered a very intriguing and challenging new activity that had to bring his research activities to a world-renowned level.
Astro's terrible attitude triggered an immediate public backlash, transforming him from the kid to beat to the contestant to hate.
The man's attitude had triggered something deep inside me that was now rising into my throat.
These albums went on to build a strong fan-following, but the group's confrontational attitude towards the press was increasingly problematic and triggered a severe backlash when Burnel, a martial arts enthusiast, punched music journalist Jon Savage during a promotional event.
The real Serena's rebellious attitude had triggered an entire Jihad, while this poor substitute lacked any such potential.
Gentlemen, beware, their attitude will ultimately trigger the reactions they deserve among workers and the unemployed.