"Private, that is a confidential attorney-client communication."
The Court also reasoned that the possibility of a disclosure order and a delayed potential appeal is unlikely to interfere with attorney-client communications.
Woods tried to impose new, restrictive, monitoring on the privileged attorney-client communication between lawyers defending Guantanamo captives and their clients.
The judge declined to describe them, saying they involved attorney-client communication.
Speech within the context of priest-penitent, husband-wife or attorney-client communications remains privileged.
The Department of Justice acknowledged in court that "privileged attorney-client communications" had been seized.
But many kinds of attorney-client communications are protected.
The law is considered particularly controversial because it permits monitoring of attorney-client communications of designated prisoners.
A guard took Jack to the private cubicle reserved for attorney-client communications.
They were alone, behind a locked door in a windowless room that was reserved for attorney-client communications.