The contest attracts bands from all over the North of England an is a popular event amongst players and audiences alike.
With a capacity of over 700 people, the theatre hopes to attract bands that would otherwise pass on an Indianapolis visit.
There are several good eateries and a bar that attracts big-name bands in summer.
A major social event of the school year, it typically attracts several major bands from around the country.
It also has the right mix of slightly seedy glamour and affordable rates to attract young bands like the Southland.
And to compete effectively, it will have to attract local bands.
This event attracts bands from all over Ireland and beyond for a weekend of great fun and great music.
The size of the festival attracts bands big and small as well as some of the summer's highlights.
The event attracts bands and fans from around the region, including the strong bluegrass community in Chattanooga.
The Doron attracts a younger crowd for videos, pool and 'good live bands' all evening.