The cash management account quickly attracted billions of dollars of customer funds and has since been widely imitated by other companies.
Formula One is very big business, attracting billions of viewers and multinational sponsors.
Bethselamin is a fabulously beautiful planet which attracts billions of tourists each year.
Many banks and investment counselors defended the practice because it attracted billions of dollars to Switzerland.
The promise of riches from oil and gas resources attracted billions of dollars in foreign investment.
Since ending a monopoly on gambling two years ago, the once-seedy Macao has attracted billions of dollars in investments.
China has attracted hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign investment and has become the world's third largest trading power.
Though the approach succeeded for several years, producing strong investment results and attracting billions of dollars from investors, it backfired in 1994.
A high dollar also attracted hundreds of billions of dollars in investment to compensate for the low savings rate among Americans.
Japan, despite its economic slowdown, is also attracting billions in new American investment, reflecting some success in efforts to pry open that nation's markets.