For authorities like Suffolk it also means they have another opportunity, outside of the traditional university or grow-your-own sponsored routes, to attract high-achieving graduates.
Are there, for example, enough good scholarships to attract undergraduates and graduates to study Arabic?
Now the largest program of its kind in the nation, the Pharmaceutical Industry Fellowship program attracts top graduates from pharmacy schools throughout the U.S.
Not long ago, book publishing attracted graduates who were educated enough to find and promote fine authors and exciting ideas.
Because the system depends so heavily on them, it is crucial that the hospitals attract top graduates.
Columbia officials said that Harlem Hospital decided decades ago to have its own residency program in order to attract black graduates who might one day practice in the neighborhood.
Big cities with a diverse demographic and creative base have proven that they are the most capable of attracting young people and new talented graduates.
Their residency programs, particularly in less lucrative specialties like internal medicine and pediatrics, have a hard time attracting American medical graduates.
Increase the salaries of teachers to a minimum of P40,000 per month to attract top graduates to teaching.
But the service is keen to attract graduates to its other roles.