Another concern is that the fund's strong start will attract hordes of new investors.
Issues in both areas often create a bandwagon effect, attracting hordes of lawmakers grasping for attention.
Well south in Florida, it attracted hordes of migratory workers who picked the winter vegetable crops.
Gambling-machine makers showed that all it took to attract hordes of investors was the right story.
Afternoons are quieter than mornings, though, because the earlier hours attract hordes of school groups.
It also attracts hordes of travelers who might buy a bottle as a souvenir.
What the book will do, he hopes, is attract hordes of sci-fi fans to his other books.
It also attracted hordes of tourists, now the economic engine of the area.
They soon attracted hordes of the hungry on the Hamptons route.
Whatever the reason, the mall has not attracted hordes of shoppers.