Some spectacular limestone walls backing the resorts now attract legions of climbers looking for seriously challenging extreme sport.
That has led some sophisticates to scorn them, but it has also attracted legions of admirers.
Lax police enforcement has attracted legions of drug traders, they assert, and that has depressed the market.
The books have attracted legions of grown-up readers as well.
First City's reincarnation has attracted legions of believers on Wall Street.
Amateur divisions of flower shows regularly attract legions of enthusiastic participants, both competitors and judges.
But by hitting the road they can attract legions of loyal fans seeking remembrances of sing-alongs past.
Today the village attracts legions of artists who journey here to capture the unreal mountain scenery on paper and canvas.
Despite, or because of, its uncompromising programming, this crack group has attracted legions of avid followers.
A powerful, charismatic speaker, he attracted legions of students to his classes.