He attracted public notoriety for his activism in favour of Quebec sovereignty.
The slayings attracted notoriety because prosecutors said the suspects killed the deliverymen to find out what it felt like to commit murder.
The case has attracted notoriety because it has focused attention on a group of affluent teen-agers, regularly club-hopping long past midnight.
Nor normally must people whose activities have attracted such notoriety that any payment might be inappropriate, regardless of the nature of the contribution.
The drink attracts notoriety, and many people come to the bar in order to sample it.
When "cyberpunk writers" began to attract real notoriety, the idea of cyberpunk principles, open and available to anyone, was lost in the murk.
By late 1929, Goddard had been attracting additional notoriety with each rocket launch.
Not surprisingly, they had an authoritarian, even fascist philosophy, one that attracted notoriety.
Spartans followers have attracted notoriety with public celebrations that periodically erupt throughout the year.
It was there that his street battles began to attract as much notoriety as his boxing.