I believe our profession, whether print or broadcasting, should be more flexible, to attract and encourage suitable youngsters from all backgrounds.
This gaming community seems to be one that should attract countless naive youngsters, themselves only interested in playing games.
The show's ability to attract youngsters and their parents since it was started a year ago is critical to its staying power on the air.
The center had no problem attracting youngsters during the first year of operation, when it was considered a novelty, Mrs. Lederer said.
Jacqueline Parkes, baseball's senior vice president for marketing and advertising, said the promotion was intended to attract youngsters to the game.
The island had a healthy rave culture that attracted clubbable youngsters from across Europe.
They also find it difficult to attract dependable youngsters for their entry-level jobs.
In 1993, Pizza Hut sought to attract older youngsters, specifically 12-year-olds, to build its dine-in business.
The stand houses the club's education department which attracts youngsters from the surrounding areas for football-based activities in the classroom.
There is also a city pool that attracts youngsters from the housing projects.