The budget office attributed the increase of 1 percent (5,000 people) to job losses because of the terrorist attack and the recession.
Nonetheless, scholars attribute this painting to Gong Kai because of knowledge of an illustrated Cai Wenji story done by him.
Neurological damage is harder to attribute accurately because of the difficulty of linking generalised, acquired neurological disability to a specific past event.
Photographic and artistic circles of the world attributed Marko Modic a special place because of his unique and colorful works of art.
The company also attributed the poor performance for the quarter to its motion picture operations, largely because of the poor performance of the film "Addams Family Values."
In interviews, Mr. Goudie attributed many of his problems to inattention to his business because of his travels for the Columbus commission.
However, others attribute them to the Elder Things, because of certain similarities to the Eltdown Shards.
It attributed the move to lower demand because of warm weather, the recession and high debt.
The trade publication said a Goldman memo attributed the drop in income to a rise in operating expenses, primarily because of an increase in employee compensation.
Economists attribute much of the rise to faster economic growth and to shrinking supplies of oil because of the oil industry strike in Venezuela and the cold winter.