His fall is attributed to his decision to give individual workouts only for the teams with the top six picks prior to the draft.
Mr. Meyer attributed his wine's popularity to his early decision to make only cabernet sauvignon.
Traders attributed the moves to the Government's decision not to lower the phone companies' 12 percent rate of return on interstate service.
He attributed the high overtime costs to the county's decision to house 195 Federal inmates, for which the county is reimbursed.
Investigators attributed the crash of Flight 9646 to the pilot's decision to fly after an abrupt deterioration in the meteorological conditions.
The cause of the accident which claimed the 12 occupants aboard, was attributed to the crew's decision to undertake a night flight at low altitude.
Although Polk's victory is attributed generally to Clay's decision to take a stand against territorial expansion, economic issues were also of importance.
The success of this machine was attributed to its decision to be more inclusive than its predecessors.
The substantial rise in television's popularity during the 1950s can be largely attributed to the Supreme Court's decision to outlaw block booking.
The trend is being attributed to Bill Clinton's 1995 decision to mount an early and intense television campaign.