His bravery and devotion led to his being transferred to the elite derailment teams under the command of Missak Manouchian, where he carried out many audacious operations.
The audacious operation secured tens of millions in ransom and guaranteed Carlos's celebrity.
As a group that never had over a few hundred members, Lehi relied on audacious but small-scale operations to bring their message home.
The Greek physician Galen was also one of the greatest surgeons of the ancient world and performed many audacious operations, including brain and eye surgeries.
The audacious operation was ultimately defeated after several hours of heavy fighting that resulted in the deaths of twelve militants and five security officers.
Last Oct. 24, three months after Flood's death, an "active service unit" in Londonderry carried out the I.R.A.'s most audacious military operation in 10 years.
Admire the (British) assassins as they plan and execute the audacious operation.
During the Korean War, the Dooman group pulled off an audacious covert operation, bankrolled by the C.I.A. Japanese conservatives needed money.
In an audacious 15-hour operation costing the Russian government £44m, a Dutch-led international consortium pulled the Kursk to a giant barge for transportation to a dry dock.
An audacious operation could re-position his left index finger so that it functions like a thumb.