II Most of the audience gathered for Buddy Vance's final show had drifted away by the time Grillo got back to the woods.
The audience gathered on a corner and guides ushered it through the streets, lecturing on the area's history.
Again and again, the speakers praised the resistance, and drew loud applause from the audience gathered in the auditorium of the Babylon Hotel.
And he makes certain that his audiences, gathered at airports and restaurants for festive rallies, understand the weight of the race, as he sees it.
A typical séance would have the audience gathered in the "circle" room at the tavern.
For an all-male audience, gathered on a weekend night in a place built for the clash and roar of professional sports, it was a singular sight.
At a recent speech in Kalamazoo, Mich., she strolled, microphone in hand, through an audience gathered near the entrance to the local chamber of commerce.
With the audience gathered on the upper and lower levels of the atrium in front of her counting down, "Three!
Mr. Gere told the Soviet audience gathered for the opening that the festival provided "an incredible opportunity to change the way we have thought of each other."
An impromptu audience, gathered in a semicircle, watches a spray-painter make moons and pyramids and skyscrapers on his little square of oak tag.