When Mr. Bell said "advertisers don't dictate content" of the media through their buying decisions, the audience groaned.
Then as the audience groaned with relief (or else with disappointment) it came to me what was happening.
The audience usually groaned or booed when a contestant gave a bad answer, whereas they cheered and applauded in approval of a good answer.
"The crowd turns ugly," Mr. Olivier muttered when the audience groaned.
The audience groaned and I gritted my teeth.
As the Buffalo players crowed and the audience groaned it was worthy of note that little McCall showed no temper.
The audience as one groaned and backed away, tables and chairs bunching, overturning.
Ogden squeezed his eyes shut, then turned slowly away, bowing his head, and the audience groaned for him.
The audience groaned and most politicians thought that it was a gratuitous insult.
The audience groaned at the comedian's bad jokes.