You can't ever question what you're doing, or the audience will sense you're holding back.
The audience had long since sensed that this was no longer a mock engagement, but a fight to the death.
But the audience could sense that he was about to come to the point of his statement.
The new format never really worked; the audience sensed that there was little chemistry between Skelton and his young colleagues.
The actors could tell that the audience sensed that the show was being hijacked.
Once she finally moves into her own place the audience can sense that she has reached her goal.
The audience will sense that the orchestra has to work.
At the beginning, Lucia tries to conceal it; the audience will sense there's something she knows but is not telling.
Whether audiences will actually sense Britishness in the finished movie remains far from clear.
Even she, the audience sensed, could not hide her genuine desire for the job.