Two plays, "The Merchant of Venice" and "Twelfth Night," were offered on three successive evenings to an audience totaling 500.
In fall of 2011, Musica Angelica toured the Americas with The Infernal Comedy, performing 16 concerts in ten cities to sold-out audiences totaling over 23,000.
The African tour consisted of performances in fifty cities in twenty-six countries with audiences totaling more than 250,000.
The movie has been a huge box-office success by drawing audiences totaling 6,600,000 people in less than two months.
The 1965's show attracted 28.642 registered contestants performing in 7842 shows, watched by a live audience totaling to 180.000.
This production toured Italy playing to audiences totaling more than a million by theatre group, Collettivo Teatrale La Comune.
This year's 'Echo of Centuries' Festival drew a huge audience and spectatorship totaling over 100,000 people, with another 1,500 participating in the events.
Since 1971, BYU performing groups have performed more than 12,000 shows in all 50 states and 100 countries before audiences totaling more than 7 million.
Over the last three decades, Miss Crandall staged 186 productions with audiences totaling more than 1.5 million people.
The All-American Boys Chorus has performed for live audiences totaling over one million people.