The company, analysts said, has done the best job in the industry of using music as the link between its computers and audio devices.
It is specialized in production of only high-end, handmade speakers and audio devices.
It was also designed to enhance capabilities of audio devices such as allowing more than one application to share an open device.
The systems combine visual and audio devices and a huge storage capacity.
Embedded in the narrow space between the spine and the binding was a small audio device.
There is often some form of mobile audio device used such as an MP3 player.
In the fashion of video devices, audio devices are used to either capture or create sound.
We'd been sent to plan the insertion of a visual and audio device into an arms dealer's house in Vancouver.
First, as mentioned, it has an audio jack to connect other audio devices.
Every now and then, they get an audio device in here, but we eventually find those.