In the 1950s, audio manufacturers employed the phrase high fidelity as a marketing term to describe records and equipment intended to provide faithful sound reproduction.
But audio manufacturers haven't lost sight of this.
Even audio manufacturers not directly involved in the cable business like to steer clear of the debate.
Many audio manufacturers conduct training seminars for their dealers to assure that their products are presented in an informed way.
Otherwise, a directory of audio manufacturers may be helpful.
It didn't take long for other audio manufacturers to beg, borrow or license those oversampling chips from Philips.
Some audio manufacturers, such as Cambridge SoundWorks, offer home theater packages beginning at around $750.
Imaginative engineering of this kind has enabled American audio manufacturers to reverse what seemed a fatal decline only a few years ago.
Component speaker pairs are offered by all of the high-end audio manufacturers.
The negative European reaction to home theater is likely to encourage these audio manufacturers to continue offering stand-alone sound systems designed purely for music.