Combined, there are over 300,000 books, journals and audio-visual resources and students are able to access over 25,000 electronic journals and databases.
The approach is conceptual and skills-based, with extensive use of audio-visual resources, fieldwork and written texts.
The curriculum includes a teachers' manual, historical and contemporary documentary films, audio-visual resources, a special videotape and materials for art, literature and drama.
The academic buildings include a library/media center (with over 35,000 items including print, non-print, audio-visual and electronic resources), two computer labs, and four science labs.
The library includes books, journals and audio-visual resources.
In addition to producing relevant audio-visual resources, in January 1986 the monks began a catechetical correspondence course.
Printed and audio-visual Islamic resources are now almost nonexistent in Cuba.
The CLRC, a modern computerized learning resource facility, with more than 40,000 volumes of books, periodicals, and other audio-visual resources has enhanced the learning facility.
The school has a Learning Centre with access to periodicals and audio-visual resources, the internet and photocopying/printing facilities.