But an audit commissioned by the union indicated that such concessions were not needed, Mr. Gettelfinger said.
A second audit, made last year, indicated that improvements were being made, he said.
In this case, 'audit' indicates that the individual has merely received teaching, rather than achieved a given standard.
The audit, provided by Applied Biomathematics, a private consulting company, indicated that the final harvest totals were correct within plus or minus 3 percent.
Captain Elfmont said an audit conducted last year indicated that only 2 out of 10 calls to 911 were real emergency calls.
He declined to discuss the papers' finances, but said that a recent audit indicated that readers were spending time with the publications.
An audit indicated that more than one third withdrawn since 1999 did not contain sensitive information.
In the past, he said, similar audits had indicated that the department was top heavy with brass.
The city has also improved its processing of the hungry, although recent audits indicate that mistakes continue.
The audit, conducted by a firm independent of the university, indicated the school's financial affairs were in order for the 1990 fiscal year, which ended June 30.