There is no indication in a company's audited results whether or not it is fluffing its numbers through aggressive tactics.
The company plans to refinance debt and finally publish audited financial results for 2000 through 2003 before the end of this month.
Only a few companies report audited financial results; many report almost nothing at all.
And can you produce an audited result of what impact you're having?
Computer Associates expects to report its audited results in May.
The study represents only unbiased, audited ranking results of outsourcing vendors worldwide.
Its audited results for 2004 are still pending.
A director can be removed only by a vote of shareholders, who will not meet until the audited results are completed.
It expects to release audited results for 2002 by Aug. 15.
With no audited annual results, moreover, the company could have trouble raising new funds.