In several recent filings, the registrant's auditor performed this service and rendered what appeared to be a fairness opinion.
Both approaches are the opposite of formal audits where the auditors, not the business unit staff, will perform the assessment.
At this point in the audit the auditor has not performed any testing as yet.
A spokesman for Andersen said, "Our auditors performed their work properly and in accordance with professional standards at all times."
Certainly, it is puzzling that the state's elected auditor cannot perform in this instance so simple a calculation.
The larger the fee income the more likely the auditor is to shirk his responsibilities and perform the audit without independence.
First, auditors should not perform management functions or make management decisions.
To adequately determine whether or not the client's goal is being achieved, the auditor should perform the following before conducting the review:
The procedures auditors perform to obtain an understanding of internal control will vary among audits.
For example, the auditor perform vouching to ensure such electricity expense occurred and whether correct amount was booked.