As the program itself reminds you on each launch, the game's 3D aural effects were built for headphone use.
It's a consummate illusion that is a product of a range of evocative visual and aural effects.
This is the explanation of the aural effect which was named after her.
The scene is also used to demonstrate Griffith's uncanny ability to create an aural effect with only an image.
He also added aural effects with burping, vomiting, slurping, among others and fades to black between episodes.
The scene also demonstrates Griffith's ability to create an aural effect with only an image.
It substitutes gestures and visual and aural effects for text.
The aural effect is minimal to the max, but it isn't simplistic.
When used in performance, however, the visual effect of watching members pull the strings can be an excellent compliment to the aural effect.
This gives a quick shaking technique that is slightly more than vibrato and achieves the same aural effect on sustained notes.