It will be used to examine the glow of the earth and auroral lights.
These filters block the Sodium and Mercury vapor light, and also block the natural skyglow such as the auroral light.
Outside, the night sky was a wash of swirling auroral lights, but Anirul hardly noticed.
In the agitated heavens above Langern, the whorling auroral lights seemed to briefly assume the shapa*of a terrible multihued iris.
As the auroral light behind the clouds faded, a blue white spike flashed across the sky.
The shuttle moved forward swiftly, and through the forward windows Burgess exulted as the auroral lights of the rift engulfed her.
As it burst against a deflector shield, its flash bathed the Enterprise in a multi-colored auroral light.
Blood... Jordan raised his hands, and in the strange auroral light saw that they were smeared with dark stains.
She stood up slowly and tried to peer through the foliage, but the auroral light did nothing to illuminate the terrain.
But there had been one tiny flicker of auroral light over by the horizon.