The name Jakar roughly translates as "white bird" in reference to its foundation myth, according to which a roosting white bird signaled the proper and auspicious location to found a monastery around 1549.
According to the Jakar foundation myth, a roosting white bird signaled the proper and auspicious location to found a monastery around 1549.
Built in a heavily forested area, Târgșor developed thanks to the local fair and its auspicious location at a crossroad of several trade routes.
Feng shui, the slightly mystical system of belief that incorporates Chinese natural science and philosophy to align buildings and pinpoint auspicious locations, is also popular among hard-nosed New Yorkers.
And yet in the early 1980s, the UK would hardly have seemed an auspicious location for this revolution to begin.
Geomancers have long considered the area in which Cheongwadae is located as an auspicious location.
It was also believed that its auspicious location, which is in alignment with Castle Peak, would ensure success for clan members in the Imperial Civil Service Examination.
Feng shui (pronounced fung shway and literally meaning wind and water), incorporates elements of Chinese philosophy and natural science to pinpoint auspicious locations.
Neither did the cliff seem to offer an auspicious location for his trap.
The path of the road is said to resemble a dragon's curvy body, making it an auspicious location for business.