The association was at first informal, but began on an auspicious note, as that weekend he wrote the first verse of one of his better-known songs, "Dark Star".
Virginia Tech's first offensive drive of the second quarter began on an auspicious note as quarterback Sean Glennon completed a 16-yard pass to wide receiver Josh Morgan.
"Waterland" inaugurates this fine new theater on an auspicious note.
David Troughton, as the luckless villain, Cloten, provides the production's single auspicious note, enhancing a role with a clownish deviltry.
On a less auspicious note, the city paid its employees $205 million in overtime from July through October, compared with $170 million during that period in 1997.
He had hoped an apprenticeship might start on a more auspicious note.
The conventional arms talks began on an auspicious note when Western nations and the Soviet-bloc unveiled proposals that agreed on several important principles.
On Vinayaka Chaturthi day, the rays of the sun fall on the presiding deity, striking an auspicious note.
But her professional life did not begin on an auspicious note, Ms. Baldrige said.
He said the upgrade could be done during the sub's next major overhaul, which is scheduled for the end of 2000, allowing it to start the new millennium on an auspicious note.