Its heart is All Saints Church, or the Munster, an austere Romanesque structure dating from the 11th century; it has recently been restored.
The school had planned to tear down an abandoned 1960s-era church in Gentilly in order to rebuild, but preservationists here said the austere, modernist structure was worth saving.
Armster's geometrically austere structures contain frequent references to bridges, walls and holes, and usually feature at least one side with no openings or windows.
Unlike any other minaret in Cairo, it has a spiral walkway winding around the exterior, giving it a surprising, Oz-like quirkiness in the otherwise austere structure.
The south end of the square was dominated by a stone statue and, be- hind, a tall, austere structure, evidently a church or temple.
Even more striking was the second of the studios, a huge, austere structure that was finished only after his death in 1994 at the age of 85.
In complete contrast to the Old Faithful Inn, the Lake Yellowstone Hotel was originally an austere clapboarded barn-like structure.
His abstract pastels, dated 1910, were painted after a day of hard work, where the austere structure of the quarry fired his imagination.
His touchstones are the austere structures of colonial Mexico, where high walls sheltered a private life centered around an interior courtyard.
Within this austere structure, however, the language is-to use Vilain's words-"suggestive" and the imaginative penetration beneath the "here-and-now" daring and provocative.