They could have chosen someone in his thirties or forties with an authentic accent.
Producers started casting the recurring role of Eva, an utterly gorgeous female in her 20s or 30s who boasts a warm heart and an authentic French accent.
He had been careful to make his voice sound older, with an authentic accent.
I think it should be an authentic accent.
In search of what they hope will be a more authentic accent, Ms. Nhu said, some students are now traveling to Australia.
The British also attacked the communications between ground stations and fighters, broadcasting false directions in authentic accents over the radio.
On this film we've had to modulate our accents because the network said Americans won't be able to understand authentic Australian accents.
Some catch the authentic Japanese accent: "Useless!
"Yes, Captain, but Lady Gladia spoke with an authentic Solarian accent and so she was recognized as human."
The cast members strove to make their French accents authentic yet understandable.