The Iliad could all have been real - an authentic account of human contact with an alien race.
Is the book an authentic account of a reality most of us have somehow missed?
In 1870 he gave the first authentic account of amoebae from the human intestine.
However, new research has changed ideological beliefs about the role women assumed in producing authentic accounts of war.
I have seen an authentic account of his genealogy, which he obtained from Tuscany.
Yet he gives us an authentic account of his epoch and of its medical habits.
Despite this, her authentic account, which was considered one of the most accurate and riveting, became widely read and studied.
I have often wondered that no authentic account has ever been given of that bloody and tragical scene.
This account today is regarded as one of the most authentic accounts of the American westward migration.
Although his son admitted to the hoax in his Authentic Account (1796), many blamed the father.