It is based in part on 88 of Sofia's letters, which the author translated from Russian to English.
The authors then translated the definition into a frame of reference for GRC research.
The author translated the title as release from bondage, without making explicit who was released from what form of bondage.
A translator as well as an author, Kanamatsu translated the works of Plato into Japanese.
Different authors have translated and spelt it to their convenience.
Using a regular meter, authors would translate the psalms into the vernacular, and create versions which could be set to music for the people to sing.
Of his ten novels, nine have been translated into English,of which the author translated eight and copied-edited the other one.
How does the author translate such grand thoughts into fictional form?
The authors translate this as follows: "Even when a secret is printed, the truth is always a mystery.
This law is based on the Digest but the meaning of the word servi that the medieval author translates "serf" meant "slave".