This he did in 1767, and the following year an Act of Parliament was obtained to authorise the construction.
It is believed that Sadvaha authorised the first monastic construction there during his reign.
The drawings were done in little over a week, and Sir George authorised the construction of twenty examples.
Legislation authorising the construction of the line was passed on 16 June 1930.
Immediately after the war, the Israeli government authorised the construction of military settlements for security purposes.
By 1816, the legislation was passed authorising the construction of what is now called the "West Pier".
The Act authorising the construction of the line and dock received the royal assent on 19 June 1828.
He is said to have authorised the construction of the first bridge over the river Allan at Dunblane.
The War Office authorised the construction of three prototype models in April 1941.
This authorised the construction of the line from a junction near Inverurie, running for 5 miles, 1194 yards to its destination.