We are becoming an authoritarian country run by people with no ideology, just an insatiable hunger for power.
This is true even in authoritarian countries where people and institutions are increasingly able to shape the debate.
"The fact that China is an authoritarian country is another risk factor."
From an authoritarian country, South Africa has become one concerned with individual rights.
Go to one of the world's most authoritarian and bureaucratic countries and deliberately break their immigration rules?
The scenario sounds like one from Singapore or some other authoritarian country.
After all, in most authoritarian countries access to the web is already tightly restricted, and heavily monitored.
Just because we are a democracy doesn't mean that our leaders are any better than those in an authoritarian country.
By the way, England is a much more authoritarian country than Germany.
For one, the 9/11 attacks made clear yet again that terrorism tends to originate in authoritarian countries, not democracies.