Some children of authoritarian parents may develop insecurities and display anti-social behavior.
Problems of rivalry can be exacerbated by a business that is small and run by an authoritarian parent.
The tenth house refers to an employer, an authority figure, politician, authoritarian parent, boss, image consultant.
At one extreme, according to the psychologist Diana Baumrind, are restrictive or 'authoritarian' parents.
The authoritarian parent or dutiful child attitudes that so often characterized these relationships in previous generations are thankfully on the way out.
The sociological move away from authoritarian parents to parents-as-friends has given rise to a generation of children that was born to shop.
An authoritarian parent has clear expectations and consequences, but shows little affection toward his or her child.
Masking can be strongly influenced by environmental factors such as authoritarian parents, rejection, and emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.
The authoritarian parent is rigid, harsh, and demanding.
In contrast to neurological theories, there are some psychologists who believe that picking behavior is a result of repressed rage felt toward authoritarian parents.