More than a million demonstrators joined protest marches last month challenging the Bouteflika government over economic hardships and its authoritarian practices.
Compounding the Government's problems are its own openness and an unwillingness to rely on the authoritarian practices of the past.
Too often in his presidency, he has hesitated to cut Mexico free from its authoritarian, corrupt political practices.
Today, over 1.5 million Iranians have chosen to leave Iran for other countries due to Islamic government's authoritarian practices.
But whether this can be achieved by leaders whose idea of politics is a combination of narrow nationalism and authoritarian practices is questionable, if not doubtful.
But authoritarian practices persist.
In 2001, the Chicago Tribune published a two-part article primarily critical of the movement, with quotes from several ex-members accusing the group of authoritarian practices.
Between 1978 and 1994, the movement attracted criticism for alleged authoritarian practices and a high degree of control over members (see Criticism).
A regression towards authoritarian practices is sweeping the country.
According to Wickstrom, this goal is to be seen out through authoritarian and corrupt financial practices, multiculturalism, media infiltration, race-mixing and globalization.