Psychological Science publishes authoritative articles of interest across all of scientific psychology's sub-disciplines, including the behavioral, clinical, cognitive, neural, and social sciences.
The doctors' version will contain more authoritative articles on the same subjects as those in the patients' publication.
The journal presents authoritative and provocative articles on critical questions of foreign policy written by leading scholars and policy experts.
Several authoritative articles on the history of GIS have been published.
Although he published no major single work of his own, he published a variety of authoritative articles informed by his deep knowledge of archival materials.
The Macropædia articles are meant both as authoritative, well-written articles on their subjects and as storehouses of information not covered elsewhere.
The magazine contains recent news and authoritative articles about birds, their habitats, and their conservation around the world.
It publishes original, authoritative articles about steamships and other vessels past and present.
Thank you for Stephen Rodrick's authoritative article on the comedy director Judd Apatow (May 27).
Following their destruction, noted writer Julian Hatcher wrote an authoritative article for the May 1932 issue of American Rifleman magazine describing the device in detail.