Not that the Webbs, to whom we must first turn for an authoritative opinion, think that well of him.
There is simply a lack of authoritative opinion from neutral commentators.
It should, however, be recorded that in the show's catalog the visitor is referred to "The Kinsey Report" for an authoritative opinion.
"My friend Saul Winner would give us an authoritative opinion."
Blatherwick became skilled at media relations and was well known for voicing independent, authoritative opinions on controversial health issues.
I introduced myself and upon learning my identity they naturally begged me to examine their treasure and offer an authoritative opinion.
'The idols of the theatre are the authoritative opinions of others which a man likes to accept as a guide when interpreting something he hasn't experienced himself.'
Another aspect of routinisation reveals a third set of factors: the need for authoritative opinion.
It is very important that the vision should be negotiated on the basis of the authoritative scientific opinions that we have at our disposal.
But for an authoritative opinion on either work, Bill really needs to see them.